I've been finding interesting new blogs recently, and I've found the e-mail subscription feature very helpful: if the blog I like publishes a new post, I could receive the feed on my e-mail. Cool!
I loved that feature so much, I thought I should offer it to my readers as well. So I searched for how to do it.
Here's how:
- Go to your Feedburner account. If you don't have one yet, open one by clicking here.
- In the "My Feeds" page, check if you already have a feed for your blog (look for your blog's name under the red Feed Title bar). If so, go to step 3.
If not, enter the URL of your blog into the text box and click Next. Fill out the "Feed title" and "Feed address" boxes, choose RSS feed, and click Next.
Now you can follow the next instructions to customize your feed, or you can click on My Feeds at the upper righthand side of your page. Now you will see your feed under the "Feed Title" bar. - Click on your feed title, then, in the page that appears, click on the Publicize tab.
- Click on Email Subscriptions in the left side bar.
- At the bottom of the page, click on the Activate button.
- In the "Subscription Management" page, choose your language.
- If you're using Blogger or TypePad, scroll a little down the page, find "Use as a Widget in," choose "Blogger" or "TypePad," then click Go! Select the blog where you want to put your e-mail subscription widget, then click Add Widget.
If you're not using Blogger or Typepad, copy the HTML code that you'll find in the text box and paste it into the a Text/HTML widget that you can find in your blog's back office (where you arrange the layout, add posts, etc.)
- Adjust the widget's position in your blog layout, then click Save.