Aug 13, 2014

Is Homeschooling for You? And if It Is, How Can You Do It? [FREEBIES AND GIVEAWAYS]


After ensuring the validity of entries, The Nanay Notebook is happy to announce that the winner of the raffle is NADIA DE LEON

Congratulations! See you at the Homeschool Conference 2014! 

Please email me your full name and mobile number so I can submit them to the contest organizer, Manila Workshops.

Warm regards,

Blessie Adlaon

On a signal-number-2 day in August, my kids are all in "school."

  • My 9-year-old is learning Java Script. 
  • My 7-year-old is doing typing lessons (currently at 15 wpm), and later she will make loom band bracelets, which she will sell to our neighbors at P50 each. 
  • My 5-year-old, who has never been inside a formal classroom, is reading aloud the Act of Contrition.

Welcome to our world. This is what homeschooling in the Adlaon residence looks like.

Why Homeschool?

Every homeschooling family has its own reason. In our case, our three main reasons are
  1. protection and preservation of the children's innocence;
  2. the freedom to teach our kids what we believe is truly important, in the way we believe children should learn; and
  3. financial flexibility.
I will discuss each of these very briefly:

Preservation of Innocence. In school, away from teacher supervision, I saw and heard a lot of things that I now know children should not see and hear. In other words, garbage freely entered my mind – and once garbage enters, it's very hard to take it out. 

Now is not the time to discuss what happens when one's mind is sullied. But I know it is something I do not want for my kids. Homeschooling is one way I am able to protect them until they are discerning and spiritually strong enough to protect themselves.

Freedom to Teach. Do you ever feel that your child's school is teaching too much too soon? Does your child wake up extremely early, sleep very late, and have little to no time for play, because there is schoolwork to do? Do you feel helpless in the midst of it all?

My husband and I refuse to feel helpless in the way our kids are educated. That's why we chose to take full charge by homeschooling.

Financial Flexibility. My husband and I are both freelancers right now. Income is unpredictable. We don't always have money in June. 

By homeschooling, we can enroll in September or December or whenever the money comes. We decide what books to buy, what field trips to take, and we never have to spend on PTA fund raisers. 

Want to Learn More?

Click image to enlarge
Manila Workshops, The Learning Basket, and Unilab, supported by the Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands (HAPI), are proud to present the Homeschooling Conference of 2014, entitled Educating for Life: Homeschooling with Passion, Purpose and Confidence. It will be held on September 6, 2014 at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center (8008 Pioneer St., Kapitolyo, Pasig) from 8 a.m. (registration) to 5:30 p.m.

The speakers and topics are
  • Irma Chua (Educating for Life). Irma is a mom of six and has been homeschooling for 20 years.
  • Dennis Poliquit (The Hands-On Homeschool Dad). Known as “Big Daddy Jake” over the radio airwaves, Dennis is a hands-on homeschooling dad of two sets of twins and one singleton.
  • Moira Bunyi (The Confident Homeschool Mom). Moira has a postgraduate degree in Family Life and Child Development and has been homeschooling for five years now.
  • Yen Galagnara (Learning in the Digital World). Yen was a “housemate” at Pinoy Big Brother Season 2. She homeschools her three children while she runs a Korean language school.
  • Jen Bellosillo (Introducing Filipino Arts, Culture, and Heritage). Jen has been homeschooling for six years now. She mentors other homeschooling parents as a CFA (Catholic Filipino Academy) parent coach.
  • Tina Rodriguez (Homeschool 101: Getting Started). Tina, mom of three, is a work-at-home and homeschooling mom who advocates her faith through her blog, Truly Rich Mom.
  • Donna Pangilinan-Simpao (Conquering Homeschool Fatigue). Donna is a medical doctor. She homeschools her three children. She is also the founder of the Facebook group "Homeschoolers in the Philippines."
  • Ivy Marquez (Nurturing the Love of Learning). Ivy homeschooled her three children up to high school.

Learning Fee (and How You Can Get a Seat for FREE!)

The cost of attending the conference is as follows:
  • Php 1000 per participant
  • Php 1500 per couple (We encourage both parents to attend!)
  • Php 500 per child (7 to 18 years old)
  • Php 500 for PWD
  • Php 500 for groups of homeschoolers; with a minimum of 5 persons per group
However, you have a chance to attend the conference for free! (Yes, FREE!)

Simply join our contest via Rafflecopter below and win TWO FREE SEATS to the conference! (Yes, TWO!)

But wait. There's more. You'll also get a heaping bag of craft goodies, sponsored by Bee Happy Crafts.

So of course you want to join the contest. Now here are the mechanics. To join:
  1. Like Bee Happy Crafts on Facebook.
  2. Like Manila Workshop on Facebook.
  3. Like the Learning Basket on Facebook.
  4. In the comment box below, leave a comment using an email address we can use to get in touch with you in case you win.
Each of the above equals one entry, for a total of four. (The more entries you make, the bigger chances of winning!)

Now if you want to further increase your chances of winning, please also like my Facebook business page,, the first local online wishlist publisher in the country, and follow me on Twitter, @WishPH.

This contest runs from August 13 to 22, 2014, Philippine time. Winners will be chosen through Rafflecopter and announced on August 23. Prizes (free seats and craft materials) will be given at the conference site on conference day.

Now if you can't wait for the contest results and want to register right now, please visit

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Nanay Notebook is written by Blessie Adlaon, a work-at-home and homeschooling mom of four. Check out our About page to know more about this blog's author and our policies on advertising, press releases, and reposting.