Jan 2, 2013

PRODUCT REVIEW: Frabelle Foods Honey Glazed Ham

On the day before Christmas 2012, I received a welcome package in the mail: a 1kg bag of Frabelle Foods Honey Glazed Ham! All the company asked is that I publish my opinion of it.

The problem is, I don't have a picky taste in food, so to give a proper review of the product, I asked my husband for his opinions. Now there is a nitpicking gourmet, if I ever saw one! 

As he was cooking the ham, he noted that the ham was made of whole meat. You could actually see the meat fibers as you slice.

And it was easy to slice. 

My hubby was too tired to bake the ham, so he simply sliced it up and fried the slices. Still, it turned out pretty good. He said, "Not too salty, and it has a slight sweet taste and a smokey flavor. That smokey taste is a sign of good ham. Not many companies take the time to smoke their ham nowadays."

On my part, all I could say was that it went excellently well with fried rice and white bread. (I tried it with both.) I asked my eldest son if he liked the ham as well, and he said, "Yeah. It was soooo delicious."

After our meal, I checked out the Frabelle website to find out more about the ham and what made it taste the way it did. Here's what I found:
  • Made from fresh premium whole – muscle pork hamleg (cut of whole muscle meat)
  • Infused with pure unadulterated honey
  • Naturally smoked using imported woodchips
So I guess that is the secret.

Now would we buy the ham? Well, it depends on the price. Since I got it for free, I have no idea how much it costs -- but for its size and taste, cheapskate me would happily pay around P500 to serve it to my family. It would last us a few hearty meals -- and to think, I have four kids!

To find out more about Frabelle Foods other offerings, you can check out their website at http://www.frabelle.com.

DISCLOSURE: The Nanay Notebook and its author received no compensation for this review, except for the 1kg ham that was given as a free sample.