Jun 17, 2010

Free Download: The Philippine Basic Education Curriculum for Elementary School Students

School has started for the rest of the Philippines, and while my kids and I had begun informally homeschooling last April, we weren't following a specific curriculum yet.

Well, Teacher Mommy has finally realized that while teaching spontaneously is fun, a lesson plan and a curriculum are invaluable when it comes to pacing and directing your lessons.

So I downloaded the Philippine Basic Education curriculum today for all elementary subjects. This is the curriculum used by the Department of Education. We'll be following it in our household, and I'll be supplementing it as necessary.

If any of you homeschooling moms are interested in using these curricula as well, you can download the zipped files for free HERE.

Looking for the NEW K-12 curriculum? Click on the link to go to our K-12 curriculum download page.