May 24, 2010

Ten Things This Mama Taught Her Kids About Having Their Own Business

Here's one must-read book for every Filipino mom who wants to raise responsible kids who pull their own weight in society: Ten Things This Mama Taught Her Kids About Having Their Own Business by Rhea Perry.

There are four reasons why I specially recommend this book:

  1. It's short and takes a few minutes to read.
  2. Despite its mere twenty-five pages, it's full of wise insights about raising great kids (and, in the process, taking a good look at your own life and solving your own problems).

  3. It's written with humor, excellent for relieving stress at the end of the day.
  4. It's FREE!

So if you're a Filipino mom with any kids to raise (or even a husband to raise), I would suggest you waste no further time and go straight to Rhea Perry's site and download her e-book.

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