(First published on my Friendster blog, February 17, 2007)
Some good things never last. After two years of "careering" my mommyhood, the rising cost of living has finally forced me to return to work.
Okay, I admit it’s also partly because working at home was just too hard! Can you imagine writing articles about subjects you know zilch about, then, in the middle of a paragraph, have to stop because Baby Bea wet her diaper or Big Brother Josh wants "big, hot Ovaltine"? Really, one reason why I got a "real" job was so that I could at least get eight hours of rest.
It’s heartbreaking, though, because Josh cries whenever I leave home in the morning, and Bea still refuses to bottlefeed, so she fasts nearly the whole time I’m out and makes up for it by marathon breastfeeding when I’m at home.
But thank God (really, "Thank you, God!"), Josh seems happy and healthy when I get home, and Bea still poops as much as usual, so she must be getting her necessary nourishment.
Hubby actually looks a bit younger now that he no longer has to carry the entire financial burden by himself. And you know, when I come home and see him lulling the baby to sleep, and I know that he had bathed the two babies all by himself and fed Bea with a medicine dropper so that she won’t starve and Josh tells me he played Hangaroo with Daddy, I fall in love with Daddy all over again.
So though I say goodbye to a role that I have cherished so much, I still have a lot to be grateful for. Life is hard, and it always will be; but God is good, and that won’t change either.
Mar 30, 2010
The End of an Era
By Blesilda Adlaon
Mar 30, 2010